Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The New Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu

"Priestly People, Kingly people, Holy people, God's Chosen people, Sing praise to the Lord"

Coadjutor Abp John Wong (2010-2012)
Archbishop 01.12.2012

Bp John Lee (1987-2008)
Archbishop (2008-2012)

I am so thankful today, as God has given me a once in a life-time chance to attend thanksgiving eucharist and installation of New Arcbishop of Kota Kinabalu The Most Reverand John Wong Soo Kau.

It was december last year when the Vatican City in Rome has accepted the retirement of Archbishop John Lee, head of the Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, thus paving the way for his assistant John Wong Soo Kau to take over effective from December 1. The Holy Father (Pope Benedict XVI) accepted the resignation from the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, presented by Archbishop John Lee Hiong Fun-Yit Yaw upon having reached the age limit. 

To dearest Bishop Datuk John Lee, as you've said in your speech just now, "I will miss you, truly" and I did believe we, (Catholic community) will miss you dearly, and you will always be in our prayers. God bless you abundantly! "You are the beloved son of Malaysia"-Pope Benedict said to Archbishop John Lee.

Celebration who started at 9.30 am this morning is packed and as Bishop John Lee said, " I don't expect this crowd". Sacred heart church were totally full since 8.30. Me and my 2 cousins, Stephen and Vanessa who thought by reaching there an hour's earlier will be okay is totally wrong. The church's totally full, and I am sitting under the big tent facing the church and watching the Lcd Tv that church prepared LIVE, showing the full celebration inside the church. 

On 9:46 as I checked my watch. Presided by Archbishop John Lee the concelebrants and ministers go to in procession to the sanctuary as usual. After the veneration and incensation of the altar,  the Installation ceremony begins.

Witnessing the celebration, I am so blessed and touched with Archbishop John Lee speech, simple, deep, an overwhelmed yet wonderful. He said "he's going to the Museum after this" and everyone cheering. Continued by Bishop John Wong Soo Kau who is totally humble, and calm. We should together pray for him :)

Its a wonderful day, wonderful mass, and memorable day for Bishop John Wong. May the second John will be a good shepherd, with full of love, strong in faith that we may continue to journey together as a local church, proclaiming and becoming a witness in your presence. Amen

*sorry for the low quality pic*

Sacred Heart Church 
Archdiocese Of Kota Kinabalu


A video WORTH watching as a Sabahan.


Today should be the 13 day I'm working at RTM Kota Kinabalu Sabah *audience clapping*
Just to make it clear, I'm not working as a staff and get paid by the government. Actually, I'm doing my intern-ship (last semester) before I finally graduate as a Diploma Multimedia holder. :( yes, only Diploma. Amen that I can further my studies.

Berakit-rakit ke hulu,
Berenang-renang ke tepian,
Bersakit-sakit dahulu,
Bersenang-senang kemudian.

As I'm doing my intern-ship, to make it easier.. student will call it industrial training a.k.a practical. Since I'm doing pratical here, the environment is nice, new big building, cold, safe, and most of the people here so friendly + free wifi zone. That's why I rajin to update blog :D  Tanpa segan silu. Lol

The first day I came. *hide face* ohhhh, I'm so shy.. Just imagine I'm sitting down in a Multi-media room which is full with pakcik-pakcik and most of Malays Semenanjung especially. Where they ask me, "oh practical ker?, kolej mane? degree ke diploma" and I just try to put a smile on my face and dengan selambanya, tried to answer all their questions. Like I've been interviewed like that.

After meeting the Puan who in-charge about our intern-ship.As usual, all new pratical staff kena briefing about working hours, attire and discipline. Then me, Harvey Farell and Leslie Marcus will be at IT Room 5th floor till 30th April.

Okay, once we at IT Room. There is no proper table for us. So we just sit down, online and share tables and duduk berdekatan each other. Until the next few days we managed to get a room which is more comfortable. Thanks to unlce George.

Meeting with the assistant director is fun, He's very nice looking, gentlemen *the way he talk* and what the best about him is... He gave us 3 project and asked to do a lots of research. God! in 3 months, how my life can turn upside down. "keep calm and shine like a diamond" Dalam hati so nervous.

So far, there's a lot that I really need to learn here. Hopefully I will make something that can give me experience. I'm gonna start doing daily report. aha! The books from UniKl finally arrived. I got another one more task everyday. tsk tsk

Whatever it is. I just feel blessed that I can do my intern-ship here, I believe there's always something beautiful with everything that God had given to me. *hidup mesti selalu bersyukur*

Check out my so called ID card with RTM logo's on it. hehehe.

pas sementara sahaja. :p

Buku laporan harian.
 I wrote my daily report here till 30th April 

Monday, January 21, 2013


When I speak you listen- and read kays..

Who is Sharifah Zohra Jabeen? 

Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Syah Miskin is a president for non-government organization, known as Suara Wanita 1 Malaysia (SW1M). She created a phenomenon about her altercation with University Utara Malaysia undergraduate K.S Bawani. She's one of the speaker forum held in UUM last month, turned an internet sensation when a 24 minutes video instructing Bawani to listen more than 11 times and pulling away the microphone from Bawani goes viral all over Malaysia.

I've been wondering about her since 14 January at night when its trending on twitter.Most of the post is hashtag with #LISTEN #TeamBawani, about animals and #SharifahZohraJabeen as well.  

So, the next morning I googled about her and yes! There pop us many link about the video that goes viral on the internet. Typically, I am so curious and I watch it on youtube. Here's the video.

nah! Finally, no wonder why people keep posting about #Zookeeper #Listen and she really made Malaysian angry, especially with her attitude and kept repeating Listen about 11 times.

She's a LISTEN women, she hold it nicer than Beyonce.
she really get the attention. We can see her on newspaper, facebook, twitter, blogs, youtube and etc. Sharifah Zohra is a sensation and today she came up with a press statement and indeed she forgive Bawani. Really, you think she need to forgave her? *wink*

Let this just be a normal phenomenon. Sun will shine again tomorrow, or the next day and .... till then, Listen! Listen!

Marilah kita saling menghormati dan hidup aman damai. 
Sayang Malaysia. 


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Tis' the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Bells ringing!

I am so excited about Christmas. I should post this before new year but so called low-internet-connection is such a tons*low to me + I'm busy with my intern-ship. Drown my wish to blogg. achingggg

When it comes to Christmas!

Christmas is the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. As a catholic, my family will go to church to attend..Christmas eve and Christmas mass. 
We used to call it misa NatalWith the birth of Christ, Christianity essentially begins. Thus, Christmas also celebrates the beginning of Christianity and always a good time to be grateful, thankful and pray!

Its the seasons of joy!

Lots of foods,open house, LOL! be happy, enjoy and celebrate. It's wrapped up with full of happiness! karaoke session and now can gangnam too. *joget-joget* 

So Christmas season, in my place Ulu Dusun Sandakan is extremely special. You won't get it in other place.. I tell you! After mass at St.Paul Church. Kunjung-mengunjung tu tatap, visiting  friends and family, time to catch up stories and of course..
party like Sabah style, aramaitii! x

Meaning to say kan.. Christmas is a big festival and we celebrate it without doubting agama. The moslem's come to the house eat and wish us. You want to know how us truly 1malaysia..di Ulu Dusun lah paling ngam!


Best part on the list other than all family gathered together.. that I got myself a black velvet pump heels that I wanted so bad. Thank you to Mama! It’s so cute and I shared the same pump heels with Nana. I chose black “Once you go black, you never turn back” is it? :p 

We both so cute! With that heels on. *wink*  

So, for Christmas last year, We ( Me, kakak a.k.a Lolen, Nana and Iva ). We decided to choose blue color as a theme. Ala-ala 2NE1 that Nana love so bad. Lastly, even it’s hard to get all the same.

We managed to wore blue on Christmas day...and + + kak Grace, Nine, Umi, Nonot, DD and few friends also using dress in blue.

Senang cerita tema natal tahun 2012 tu biru. Wonderful coincidence!  Feeling macam launching I-phone5 gitu. hehe.

While, Odie the anak last yang sangat cerewet and so grumpy *sometimes* wonder why she got a different blue color and we told her because she's the youngest. And she agreed. "Janji geng biru" *smile*

WHY 2012 is a wonderful Christmas...

1st My whole family members celebrating together.
2nd We have a new member iaitu Kenneth since he's married to my sister! yeayy! ada kawan bapa. 1st year christmas as a family. hugs!
3rd It’s is so wonderful because Lolen is mom to be! check put her baby bump! Its so cute and the baby is doing good I guess (gerak-gerak baby inside). I'm sure baby can't wait to meet the family.
4th, 5th and .... I'm just grateful that we are together as a family. Amen to more coming year.

Till then, hopefully we will celebrate more joyful and blessed Christmas this year 2013! Check out this Fantabulous christmas photos

credit to bro-in-law Kenneth Lawrence

mom,dad, siblings and bro in law

haaaa.. cuteness!! the kebare's

1.2.3. yeayyyy!

with Rev Fr Dr Charles Chiew from diocese Keningau after Christmas mass at paci Nick cribs.
Hidup OM!! x

May New year will bring a lots of happiness, abundant blessing and good health to everyone. Be safe folks XOXO