Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The New Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu

"Priestly People, Kingly people, Holy people, God's Chosen people, Sing praise to the Lord"

Coadjutor Abp John Wong (2010-2012)
Archbishop 01.12.2012

Bp John Lee (1987-2008)
Archbishop (2008-2012)

I am so thankful today, as God has given me a once in a life-time chance to attend thanksgiving eucharist and installation of New Arcbishop of Kota Kinabalu The Most Reverand John Wong Soo Kau.

It was december last year when the Vatican City in Rome has accepted the retirement of Archbishop John Lee, head of the Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, thus paving the way for his assistant John Wong Soo Kau to take over effective from December 1. The Holy Father (Pope Benedict XVI) accepted the resignation from the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, presented by Archbishop John Lee Hiong Fun-Yit Yaw upon having reached the age limit. 

To dearest Bishop Datuk John Lee, as you've said in your speech just now, "I will miss you, truly" and I did believe we, (Catholic community) will miss you dearly, and you will always be in our prayers. God bless you abundantly! "You are the beloved son of Malaysia"-Pope Benedict said to Archbishop John Lee.

Celebration who started at 9.30 am this morning is packed and as Bishop John Lee said, " I don't expect this crowd". Sacred heart church were totally full since 8.30. Me and my 2 cousins, Stephen and Vanessa who thought by reaching there an hour's earlier will be okay is totally wrong. The church's totally full, and I am sitting under the big tent facing the church and watching the Lcd Tv that church prepared LIVE, showing the full celebration inside the church. 

On 9:46 as I checked my watch. Presided by Archbishop John Lee the concelebrants and ministers go to in procession to the sanctuary as usual. After the veneration and incensation of the altar,  the Installation ceremony begins.

Witnessing the celebration, I am so blessed and touched with Archbishop John Lee speech, simple, deep, an overwhelmed yet wonderful. He said "he's going to the Museum after this" and everyone cheering. Continued by Bishop John Wong Soo Kau who is totally humble, and calm. We should together pray for him :)

Its a wonderful day, wonderful mass, and memorable day for Bishop John Wong. May the second John will be a good shepherd, with full of love, strong in faith that we may continue to journey together as a local church, proclaiming and becoming a witness in your presence. Amen

*sorry for the low quality pic*

Sacred Heart Church 
Archdiocese Of Kota Kinabalu

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