Thursday, February 14, 2013

Harbour Mall Sandakan.

Cerita jalan-jalan *wink*

I'm back for CNY holiday! yeayy!!

So, heard the new mall is opened in town!
Finally had the time to check out the new mall. In case, if anyone ask me, at least I will tell something. Went there with mama and 3 of my sisters.

My first impression.. hmm yeap. Lots of orang from the Pulau in Sandakan,
Entering the mall. wallaoowehh.. Mall still empty, went up..
There's only Servay&Parkwell shop and a few boutique. Checking up the sandals, thinking about getting one. Looking at the price..ugh keep back in place. Harga merapu and not even branded.. felt so thirsty, looking for the food court..
 "I expect a food court facing the sea or just a place to chill" but none. No food court but only McDonald at the corner of the Mall. Finally, get myself and Odie onion ring and coke. That's all. Walk outside the mall around Swiss Inn Hotel, didn't manage to check Sheraton Hotels since our dinner start very soon.

After all, we need one mall in sandakan atleast something that we can look forward to. Maybe. maybe a cinema inside the mall. A clean area, safe and secure even we walk late in the evening. I wish one day, we will have a building that we can call it a mall especially in Sandakan.

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