Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What symptoms? You tell me

This gonna be randoms :)

So despite all the things that happen around me, with me, with anyone, someone, whoever who felt confused, sad, feels like shouting or anything but it's hard to explain. Lets high 5!

I am so %$^#@!*&^%  annoyed with my self. And anyone who giving hands for letting me sad I wish that God will show you the way just like what He showed me. I express my emotion by writing this kinda shit maybe like what you think. But I dont care :) hewheww..

Considering myself as an adult. I can't curse all the time. Then, I started to layan  everyday. Then I laugh, then I think, then when someone talk to me about anything and my hippocampus will made me smiling alone. *kesian mereka yang blur once I start smiling* 

Like what I said, this gonna be random ja pun.. Till then.. I love 9GAG. 

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