Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Tis' the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Bells ringing!

I am so excited about Christmas. I should post this before new year but so called low-internet-connection is such a tons*low to me + I'm busy with my intern-ship. Drown my wish to blogg. achingggg

When it comes to Christmas!

Christmas is the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. As a catholic, my family will go to church to attend..Christmas eve and Christmas mass. 
We used to call it misa NatalWith the birth of Christ, Christianity essentially begins. Thus, Christmas also celebrates the beginning of Christianity and always a good time to be grateful, thankful and pray!

Its the seasons of joy!

Lots of foods,open house, LOL! be happy, enjoy and celebrate. It's wrapped up with full of happiness! karaoke session and now can gangnam too. *joget-joget* 

So Christmas season, in my place Ulu Dusun Sandakan is extremely special. You won't get it in other place.. I tell you! After mass at St.Paul Church. Kunjung-mengunjung tu tatap, visiting  friends and family, time to catch up stories and of course..
party like Sabah style, aramaitii! x

Meaning to say kan.. Christmas is a big festival and we celebrate it without doubting agama. The moslem's come to the house eat and wish us. You want to know how us truly 1malaysia..di Ulu Dusun lah paling ngam!


Best part on the list other than all family gathered together.. that I got myself a black velvet pump heels that I wanted so bad. Thank you to Mama! It’s so cute and I shared the same pump heels with Nana. I chose black “Once you go black, you never turn back” is it? :p 

We both so cute! With that heels on. *wink*  

So, for Christmas last year, We ( Me, kakak a.k.a Lolen, Nana and Iva ). We decided to choose blue color as a theme. Ala-ala 2NE1 that Nana love so bad. Lastly, even it’s hard to get all the same.

We managed to wore blue on Christmas day...and + + kak Grace, Nine, Umi, Nonot, DD and few friends also using dress in blue.

Senang cerita tema natal tahun 2012 tu biru. Wonderful coincidence!  Feeling macam launching I-phone5 gitu. hehe.

While, Odie the anak last yang sangat cerewet and so grumpy *sometimes* wonder why she got a different blue color and we told her because she's the youngest. And she agreed. "Janji geng biru" *smile*

WHY 2012 is a wonderful Christmas...

1st My whole family members celebrating together.
2nd We have a new member iaitu Kenneth since he's married to my sister! yeayy! ada kawan bapa. 1st year christmas as a family. hugs!
3rd It’s is so wonderful because Lolen is mom to be! check put her baby bump! Its so cute and the baby is doing good I guess (gerak-gerak baby inside). I'm sure baby can't wait to meet the family.
4th, 5th and .... I'm just grateful that we are together as a family. Amen to more coming year.

Till then, hopefully we will celebrate more joyful and blessed Christmas this year 2013! Check out this Fantabulous christmas photos

credit to bro-in-law Kenneth Lawrence

mom,dad, siblings and bro in law

haaaa.. cuteness!! the kebare's

1.2.3. yeayyyy!

with Rev Fr Dr Charles Chiew from diocese Keningau after Christmas mass at paci Nick cribs.
Hidup OM!! x

May New year will bring a lots of happiness, abundant blessing and good health to everyone. Be safe folks XOXO

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