Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Today should be the 13 day I'm working at RTM Kota Kinabalu Sabah *audience clapping*
Just to make it clear, I'm not working as a staff and get paid by the government. Actually, I'm doing my intern-ship (last semester) before I finally graduate as a Diploma Multimedia holder. :( yes, only Diploma. Amen that I can further my studies.

Berakit-rakit ke hulu,
Berenang-renang ke tepian,
Bersakit-sakit dahulu,
Bersenang-senang kemudian.

As I'm doing my intern-ship, to make it easier.. student will call it industrial training a.k.a practical. Since I'm doing pratical here, the environment is nice, new big building, cold, safe, and most of the people here so friendly + free wifi zone. That's why I rajin to update blog :D  Tanpa segan silu. Lol

The first day I came. *hide face* ohhhh, I'm so shy.. Just imagine I'm sitting down in a Multi-media room which is full with pakcik-pakcik and most of Malays Semenanjung especially. Where they ask me, "oh practical ker?, kolej mane? degree ke diploma" and I just try to put a smile on my face and dengan selambanya, tried to answer all their questions. Like I've been interviewed like that.

After meeting the Puan who in-charge about our intern-ship.As usual, all new pratical staff kena briefing about working hours, attire and discipline. Then me, Harvey Farell and Leslie Marcus will be at IT Room 5th floor till 30th April.

Okay, once we at IT Room. There is no proper table for us. So we just sit down, online and share tables and duduk berdekatan each other. Until the next few days we managed to get a room which is more comfortable. Thanks to unlce George.

Meeting with the assistant director is fun, He's very nice looking, gentlemen *the way he talk* and what the best about him is... He gave us 3 project and asked to do a lots of research. God! in 3 months, how my life can turn upside down. "keep calm and shine like a diamond" Dalam hati so nervous.

So far, there's a lot that I really need to learn here. Hopefully I will make something that can give me experience. I'm gonna start doing daily report. aha! The books from UniKl finally arrived. I got another one more task everyday. tsk tsk

Whatever it is. I just feel blessed that I can do my intern-ship here, I believe there's always something beautiful with everything that God had given to me. *hidup mesti selalu bersyukur*

Check out my so called ID card with RTM logo's on it. hehehe.

pas sementara sahaja. :p

Buku laporan harian.
 I wrote my daily report here till 30th April 

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